Supplements which advertise "muscle building" or "fat burning" capabilities are the most likely to contain a prohibited substances, either an anabolic agent or a stimulant.

The terms "herbal" and "natural" do not necessarily mean that the product is "safe".

Examples of prohibited substances that may be in dietary supplements are:

    • Dehydroepiandrosterone (“DHEA")
    • Androstenedione/diol (and variations including "19" and "nor")
    • Ma huang
    • Ephedrine
    • Amphetamine(s) (also contained in "street drugs" such as ecstasy)

Black market or unlabelled products are a particular concern; athletes should not use anything which has an unknown source even if it comes from a coach or fellow athlete.

While purchasing supplements through the Internet, athletes should avoid companies which do not indicate business locations other than post office boxes or only indicate contact information which would prevent someone from locating them, such as an email address.

If you are considering the use of sports nutrition supplements together with a training routine, you should investigate as to which will be the best for your specific circumstances and ultimate goals.